Who We Are

Sue Heng


Sue Heng began expanding GBE into Cambodia in 2000, where she is now balancing her role as GBE President and her new business initiatives that aim to aid the country’s economic growth. GBE registered Rather Ventures in 2020, intending to expand and diversify its business portfolio. Thus far, she has worked with government ministries to introduce health supplements and products to the Cambodian market, identified reputable local businesses for sourcing raw materials, and guided international investors in their efforts to participate in Cambodia’s rapidly growing property sector. As recent economic and political stability supports Cambodia’s participation in the global market, Sue also understands the importance of developing the country’s financial infrastructure to benefit Cambodia’s impoverished.

As the President of Global Business Enterprise, Sue Heng is committed to effecting positive change through her various business endeavors. As co-founder and President of GBE for over 10 years, Sue has spearheaded new country openings in Asia, sourced raw materials for her patented health products, and overseen strategic planning, forecasting, and budgeting. She continues to drive GBE’s business growth outside the United States, aided by more than 20 years of experience in corporate sales and customer relations, including driving sales and launching products for Estee Lauder and La Prairie in Southeast Asia. She continues to be guided by a philosophy emphasizing integrity and innovation as integral to developing long-term partnerships.

Rather Heng

Vice President of Research and Development

Rather Heng brings a history of entrepreneurial accomplishments to his Global Business Enterprise, LLC role. A seasoned entrepreneur, he has years of hands-on leadership experience managing and starting new businesses.

Before joining Global Business Enterprise, LLC., Mr. Heng was President of Eneri Communications Corporation and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Advanced CNC Manufacturing. Eneri is a telecommunications engineering providing engineering, deployment, and installation to major telecom companies such as Verizon, XO Communications, AT&T, Cingular, and other telecom companies. Advanced CNC Manufacturing manufactures specialized components for the automotive, scientific, medical, and aerospace industries. During his tenure, Mr. Heng grew revenue by 500% while introducing and implementing his company’s ISO 9000 quality program. Focusing on improving quality, delivery, and customer satisfaction metrics, Mr. Heng oversaw procurement responsibility for BMW of North America, Michelin, General Electric, and Ford Motor Company.

 Before his tenure at Advanced CNC Engineering, Mr. Heng worked in advanced network engineering for Comcast Cable Communications in Philadelphia. He polished his cable industry skills by helping Comcast upgrade legacy cable equipment to next-generation HFC telephony systems. His responsibilities included overall network design and execution, SONET and fiber-optic vendor and equipment selection, and telecommunications power management.

 Mr. Heng grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Drexel University with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also attended the MBA program at Western Connecticut State University and Greenville College.