
Soil in Cambodia

Sandy materials cover a large proportion of the landscape of Cambodia on account of the siliceous sedimentary formations that underlie much of the Kingdom. Due to their prevalence in the lowlands of Cambodia, sandy, high permeability soils are commonly used for rainfed rice production. 

Cambodia covers a wide range of climate/soil/vegetation regimes, and considerable attention has been given to rice breeding, soil classification, and land class assessment. 

Rice is the dominant crop in Cambodia, with a production area equivalent to 90% of the agricultural land in Cambodia (Nesbitt 1997). The sandy Prey Khmer Soil Group comprises 11% of the rice-growing soils.

Our agricultural projects is a market-leading, full-service farming supplies and services business operating across the rural supply chain throughout Cambodia. Our enduring relationships with the rural community, technical expertise, focus on innovation, and nationwide presence places us in an enviable position to be one of the country's best-known, respected, and trusted agricultural brands.

Farmland remains the most important sector of the Cambodian economy in terms of its gross domestic product (GDP) share and employs the vast majority of the workforce. Rice is Cambodia’s primary crop, principal food, and most important export commodity in times of peace. Rice is grown in most of the country’s total cultivated land area. The main rice regions surround the Mekong and the Tonle Sap, with particularly intensive cultivation in Battambong, Kampong Cham, Takêv, and Prey Vêng provinces.

What We Provide

Cashew: Cambodia’s cashew nuts production has seen significant year-on-year growth over the past decade, becoming a major commodity producer.  We are a Manufacturer – Exporter of cashew kernels among Cambodia's most reputed suppliers of quality Cashew Kernels. We are committed to maintaining high standards and fostering a characteristics structure to develop, manufacture, and provide products with superior standards that are trusted and preferred by customers; we have a vast supply chain network across the country that enable us to meet the bulk demand of cashews kernels within a committed time frame.

Cashew nut shells are attached to the bottom of the cashew, both forming fully in the dry season. When it comes to harvesting cashew nuts, they are twisted and removed –usually by hand. The nuts will detach themselves and fall to the ground if they are super ripe.

The edible meat of the cashew is surrounded by a thick shell, a potent source of a toxic and life-threatening compound called anacardic acid. Roasting cashews at a high temperature removes this compound and allows the cashew shells to open, making the edible nut accessible. The final step is discarding those shells and collecting the cream-colored, kidney-shaped nuts.

Corn & Cassava: Corn is a tropical grass well adapted to many climates and has wide-ranging maturities from 70 days to 210 days. In Cambodia, corn is widely adapted to soils in the higher rainfall upland area.  Corn plants are erect and may grow as tall as 3 m, with little tillering capacity.

Cassava is a significant cash crop for Cambodian farmers. Cassava production in Cambodia has increased substantially since 2006. Despite recent shocks to the market, cassava rapidly grew from an uncommon crop to the second-most reported crop produced on agricultural holdings.

Cassava is grown in Battambang, Pailin, Banteay Meanchey, Kratie, and Kampong Thom provinces. It is planted in May and harvested between November and the end of February each year.

We own and operate a farm with a global network of brand agents in strategic export markets; our total commitment to quality control includes applying the highest international standards across the cultivation and production process to produce quality products recognized and trusted worldwide. We are ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality raw farm produce. We provide a constant supply of high-quality natural farm produce; we collaborate closely with the farmers in our cassava network. We go to great lengths to educate them on applying the latest techniques and technologies that empower them to cultivate effectively.

Rice: The Kingdom of Cambodia is the Kingdom of Rice. Rice has been grown for thousands of years in Cambodia. Perhaps is more than 5,000 years BC., Even before the Khmer Empire, the 9th Century of the Angkor Empire. 

Rice seed is the heart of the economy of Cambodia. farmland comprised 29% of the Gross Domestic products. Rice is the main crop. From 2008, Cambodia starts to export its first measurable milled-rice surplus in modern times to the world. Since then, the impressive.


The natural fragrance of Cambodian Jasmine Rice, together with the most desirable texture, amaze many consumers around the world. Because Cambodian farmers use the least fertilizers for the plantation compared to other countries, Cambodian Jasmine Rice provides better health benefits for consumers than different types of rice.

We are one of the leading rice exporters with the finest rice quality. Our strengths include best-selected quality, ensured international standards, efficient processing, and the latest advanced technology; we proudly serve global customers and export premium quality with mixed rice and packaging.

Specifications of Cambodian Jasmine Rice

  • Broken 5% Max

  • Chalky Kernels 2% Max 

  • Yellow Kernels 0.30% Max 

  • Average Length 7.00 MM 

  • Red Kernels Nil 

  • Damaged Kernels 0.4 Max 

  • Red Streaked 0.50% 

  • Purity (Boiling Alkali) 90% Min 

  • Moisture Content 14% Max 

  • Milling Degree Extra well-milled



The long and slim kernels make Sen Kro Oubrice outstandingly presented on consumers’ plates. 

The natural fragrance and the soft texture make Sen Kro Oubeven more popular to rice consumers, especially among the Asian community. 

It is sometimes referred to as the 2nd Jasmine of Cambodia. It is often heard that Sen Kro makes the best fried rice and is thus very popular with chefs. Because Sen Kro Oubis harvested multiple times per year, consumers can always enjoy fresh and new crops.

Specifications of Cambodian Fragrant Rice:

  • Broken 5% Max 

  • Chalky Kernels 2%Max 

  • Yellow Kernels 0.30% Max 

  • Average Length 7.10 MM 

  • Red Kernels Nil 

  • Damaged Kernels 0.4 Max 

  • Red Streaked 0.50% 

  • Purity (Boiling Alkali) 85% Min 

  • Moisture Content 14% Max 

  • Milling Degree Extra well-milled

Deep sea fishing: We produce good quality fresh and frozen whole fish from our deep-sea farm in Cambodia and Honduras. We are superior quality, sustainable and traceable products and shipped worldwide.